I‘m basing viewing numbers strictly on AniList status distribution. BEM, today’s pick, has the lowest numbers I could find on my list; it might be the only one I found that had more users “Planning” to watch it than those who have it marked as Completed. Unfortunately, it’s for a good reason. What felt like a promising unique start quickly fell off a cliff into something both mundane and absurd.

It’s not that the story didn’t show promise. Three monsters share a common desire to somehow become human. They would gladly give up their immortality and power in order to feel that their lives had purpose; for these three, mortality gives life beauty and meaning.

But as I said in the beginning, the entire series eventually falls flat. The villains present no real challenge. Moments that you can tell are meant to be important rarely deliver on that promise. For all of the grandiose potential that BEM dangles before us in the pilot, there is no satisfying conclusion. Truly, it just feels “Meh,” and left me feeling incredibly disappointed.

They did follow the series up with a movie, but I haven’t had the motivation to try it yet (and it’s audience numbers are significantly smaller than the series).

If you want to read more, I have a full review that can be read here.

What is your pick for today’s challenge?

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